
PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Friday, December 23, 2011

istyle fashion 2011 model

istyle fashion models

istyle fashion 2011 heats

iStyle Fashion 2011
这是由Malaysia Airport 在KLIA (吉隆坡国际机场)内举办的绿色时装秀,目的是想提高更多人对环保的意识。

这场比赛共分成3个主题及一个总决赛,3个主题分别为:Not just Paperkids ,Style for resinmen 及 Allure Chicas. 主要是看看他们如何把可以循环再用的物品变成美丽时尚的衣饰。

To save our mother earth, we need to go green.

See how they transforming existing used materials into fashionable items.
There are  3 heats for this challenges- Not just Paperkids, Style for resinmen and Allure Chicas + pre-judging.

每一组参赛者都会接受主持人 Megan Tan 的访问。说说他们的作品、灵感从哪里来等等。
Each team will be interviewing by host Megan Tan from 8TV ,sharing their ideas about their creations ,outfits,accessories...

这些可爱的小朋友都是他们的小模特儿-- (Not just Paperkids) 
cute little models for the heat 1- Not just Paperkids.
ADsense Solutions 就负责这一次的录影,把每一次的比赛记录下来,然后把当天所拍摄到的Footage剪接成大约10分钟的精彩片段,好让隔天所有关心 istyle 进展的人可以观赏。

这其实相当考功夫,也相当累。我们必须和时间赛跑,短时间内把重点选出来,加以特效等。由于是HD 高清档,所以上载到Youtube 时也相当费时。不过,乐在其中就够了。

ADsense Solutions was in charge of video production part. We need to record down the whole day event,and editing it into 10 minutes highlight, so that people out there do have the chance to know what has happened during the heats.

This is actuallly rather tired as we need to rush our time to choose those interesting footages and then edit it .
as it was filming with HD files, so by the time we uploaded to youtube, it actually take quite some time. anyway, we enjoyed the process. :)

Friday, December 09, 2011

istyle klia 2011

iStyle KLIA 2011 
heat 2 : Style with resinmen


這是我們最近的 project, iStyle KLIA 2011. 所有的錄影拍攝都在吉隆坡國際幾場內進行。




Wednesday, November 23, 2011

QR code


Its easy for you to connect with us now with this QR code!   
Just scan it with your smartphone and save it !
拿起你的手機掃描這個QR 碼就能與我們聯繫,掃描後請記得儲存在您的手機內。

Saturday, November 19, 2011

YoYo on screen


第一次带悠悠去录影现场 :)


Mixed feelings in this Season - Life

Mixed feelings in this Season

LIFE is not always Easy, why don't you try to think You are as Lucky as You Think You Are .



Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mixed feelings in this Season 2


If life ever seems dull, remember to see the colorful side.
Everything's gonna be alright in this season.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Mix feeling in this season

Mix feeling in this season



Sometime some things are best if you left unsaid.

Sometime some things are best if you learned to camouflage

Friday, August 12, 2011

furkids at Afamosa

furkids at Afamosa


距上一次带Yoyo 到别的地方旅行已经快一年了。这一年内,除了带它到附近的公园去之外,也没有带它参加过狗聚。虽然我们已帮它预定了去 Redang 岛的狗聚,不过距离Redang 岛之旅还有几个月。有时候看着它趴在地上用忧郁的眼神看我,我就觉得愧疚。

不过有时候,上天总是会把帮我们安排好一些事情。 像这一次的 A'Famosa 毛小孩的旅行,我原本是不知道有此活动的。有天无意间在面子书上看到有个朋友正在找人取代她的位子,于是我临时决定带YOYO 去。 反正YOYO 还没有去过马六甲呢。


原本没有打算参加的,朋友说反正都来了,就玩玩吧。 所以就带着两个小雪去玩玩。 这个游戏叫做“Dog Fastest Recall Race" ,就是一方先到对面去等,然后等待主持人一声令下,这一方就可以让狗狗跑到对面找主人。 先到的就会进入下一个环节。



Friday, July 22, 2011

✿ my National Geographic Stock Photo 我被收录在国家地理图库的照片

National Geographic Stock Imageⓒ 我的国家地理图库照片

One of the photo taken by me is now officially on national geographic stock website !! 

Finally! One of the photo taken by me in Mongolia is now available in National Geographic Stock!

The story began from autumn 2010 , I went on a trip to Mongolia, where I took a lot photos. After I came back from the awesome trip, I selected some photos and uploaded them to Facebook. one day, I received a message from my old school time friend,saying from the photos, it looks like a series of photo from National Geographic.( of cause, I do not think so as I was just an ammetuer DSLR user) 


I never thought about what my photo can be choose or selected by National Geographic,  dare not to think at all. However, because such a message, I went to the website of National Geographic called Your Shot ,it allows anyone to upload a photo. You are allowed to upload one photo each month to Your Shot. So, I though : Give it a try, anyway, there is nothing particularly demanding requirements, just try it..no harms. In this way, I uploaded 5 , and then merely forgot this after the last one has been uploaded. 

我从来没想过国家地理和我的照片能够扯上什么关系,也从来不敢想。但是因为这样的留言,我去看了国家地理的网站,发现有一个叫 Your-Shot 的连接,是可以让任何人上载照片的。但是每个月只可以发表一张到Your Shot. 于是,我就想:试试看吧,反正也没有什么特别苛刻的要求,试试无妨。 就这样,我上载了5张之后,就没有多加留意了。

One day, thanks to Gmail, I checked the Email and found one from National Geographic I open the mail and I did not expect it was actually a notification message from NG,  saying that my photo was chosenThey want me to re-upload the original file, so that they can review it one againSo I did, and re-upload. 

某一天检查电子邮件时,发现一封来自 National Geographic ( 国家地理)的邮件,好奇之下就打开来看。没想到居然是封通知邮件,说我的照片被选上了。他们希望我重新上传原图,好让他们可以再一次审查。于是我照做了,重新上传。

My photos will be uploaded into the National Geographic Gallery , people who are interested in purchasing photos can do so through a registered account in http://www.nationalgeographicstock.com/



My photo ID is : 1400994
我的照片编号是  1400994。

You may go to : http://www.natgeocreative.com/ngs/index.jsf

Or contact me :  https://www.facebook.com/ADsense.VideoSpecialist

Anyhow, I felt so blessed , Thanks National Geographic for giving me this chance ! I am so excited !

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Multi-Camera Production in Singapore

接到了一单是需要到新加坡去的MCP ( 一架录影机以上的录影)。

Friday, July 01, 2011

Google +

Google + 会取代 Facebook 吗?
Will facebook be replaced?

want to have google+ account? send message to

Joined google+ by receiving invitation from a friend. Would like to know more about this new social network or will facebook be replaced soon?

The picture above shows the first page when I joined it. As I am a gmail user, it auto shows my screen name on gmail. If you found that google+ is not your cup of tea and you want to delete the account, it is ok. It will not delete your origanal google account.

刚加入 google + 。 收到朋友的 google + 邀请,想知道到底 google + 是怎样的,有没有可能取代 Facebook.(这几天面子书的变动,我不是很喜欢。)

进入 google + ,它自动提取了我在 google 账户的名字。 如果你修改了名字,那么之前你用google 账户在其他地方申请的资料等可能会有变动。不过,如果你不喜欢 google +这个新的社交网站,你大可以删除这个户口。这并不会删除你原有的google 账户。

Here in google+,you can group your friends by circles. The preset circles are Friends, Family, Acquaintances and Following which you can find on the left hand side. By the way, you can create a new circle , name it as you like.

在这里,你可以设定你的朋友圈子。上图左边的Friends, Family, Acquaintances,Following 是设定好的,不过你也可以另外设定你想要的圈子,这个和 facebook 有一点像。如果你有google 账户,它会列出所有在你google 账户里的联络名单,你只需要把他们的名字加入你想加入的圈子里。当你分享一些什么的时候,他们就会收到 email. 通过Email, 他们可以看到你分享的照片等等。  

choose your profile picture 选你想要的头像。

write something about yourself  . 写一些关于你的资料。

You can add 5 photos in this " About" section. Yes. only 5 so far.

在这个ABOUT 的页面,你可以加上5 张照片。 
由于我在 "ABOUT" 选择写上关于我的工作,所以照片我也选用了工作时的照片为主。

Something interesting about google+ is, you can view your own profile through someone else's eye .
Just type any name in the blank column " Viewing Profile as _______________ "

看到上图的 Viewing Profile as________ 吗? 如果你好奇你的 Profile 在别人的眼里看起来是什么样子的话,你可以随意在空格内写上任何一个朋友的名字,那么现在你看到的页面就是你那位朋友所看到的。 



你可以將所有的人放在不同的 Circle 裡面(如上图左方),在分享讯息时可以选择你想要分享讯息给哪一个圈子的人。这个和 facebook 有差别吗?

不同于facebook,google+ 可以让你在 post comment 后修改你的留言。 这一项,不知道是好还是不好。



Google + 把照片的分享分成了 4 种。

1。 Photos from your circle. --如上图。

2. Photos from your phone

如果你是 Android device 的用户,加上你很喜欢用手机拍照,你应该会爱上 Google +.

启用 Instant Upload 的功能后,每次你用手机拍照,照片会自动上传到这个 Photos from your phone 的页面。不用担心你拍的照片会即时让别人看见,自动从你手机上传的照片不会自动发佈,你可以选择在你用电脑时再挑选你想公开的照片。


3。 Photos of you ----- 我没有上传任何照片,所以是空的。

4. Your albums.

这一个 Your albums, 和facebook 一样,你可以分类你的照片。如果你有Picasa albums 或者 blogspot 的话,在你加入 Google + 的时候,它已经自动帮你把 Picasa 的相簿搬过来了。


但是有一点我不怎么喜欢,就是上传照片的时候,你没有办法一次点选多张你要上传的照片(像 Facebook 就可以这么做),你必须一张一张慢慢上传。这意味着,如果你要上传一百张照片,你就要坐在笔电前面,准备一杯香香的咖啡,慢慢上传。

对于那些喜欢分享照片的人来说,可能不是那么方便好用。这一点,我还是喜欢 Facebook 上传照片的功能,方便多了。  

按 Edit Photo 后,会出现如下图这样修改照片的基本功能。


上面这一张,我用了 Cross Process .

 这一张,我用了 Orton .

 这一张,我用了 I'm Feeling Good ( 不怎么明白为什么用这个名称)

 这一张,我用了 Black and White.

至于 Auto colour 和 Auto contrast 我就不用了,因为感觉和原本的照片没有很明显的差别(用在别张照片应该会有差别)。这项功能,应该算很好用,简单快速就可以修改照片,感觉也不一样了。



另外一点,我发现 Google + 好像没有发送私人讯息的功能。这一点很重要。

那么,你用不用 Google +  ? 
如果无法发送,请先按 LIKE.
want to have google+ account? I will try to add you. send message to:

我们 Google+ 见 !!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011



Photo © Engye They-All Rights Reserved

  Cabaret 的参与者正在看着我们交给他们的 DVD- 一片纪录了他们精彩演出的 DVD.

Monday, June 20, 2011

✿ bridal wishes 新娘的愿望

Photo © Engye They-All Rights Reserved

What are your wishes if you were the bride?







Saturday, June 11, 2011

✿dreamstime microstock

✿ Dreamstime microstock 微图

          • ID:
  • 19702793

Photo © Engye They-All Rights Reserved

            • ID:
  • 19803769

Photo © Engye They-All Rights Reserved

          • ID:
  • 19702803

Photo © Engye They-All Rights Reserved

          • ID:
  • 19652472

Photo © Engye They-All Rights Reserved


I have just started to sell some of photos on dreamstime and some other stock image bank .
in fact, I understand that not everyone can earn as much money as those highly-recommended photographer,the reason why I keep trying on this is very simple- to improve my shooting skill.

Most microstock image require high standard photography. If your image was rejected for a reason ,they will let you know the reason. They don't reject images just like that as they want good images. Look at your iamge again through the eyes of a designer or artist and you will see something special and different in each of them.
so if you got your images rejected, dont give up. You can try your best to understand the reason. I always make sure to read all refusal reasons completely because they are continually adjusted along with thier standards.
Hence, you will understand why your photo has been rejected ,fix the problem, resummit it. Once your photo has been selected, it means YEAH! you did it.
For me, the main reason to sell microstock photo is to understand more of my shooting skill... but I really dont mind if anyone wanna buy it, since it is not expensive :) everyone can get it.

----------------------------  Read the Chinese Article ----------------------------

刚刚开始在Dreamstime 售卖一些微图。

微图赚的钱不多,除非你的照片有很多人下载。如果想我这样只是偶尔拍拍照的人要靠微图赚钱早就饿晕了。那为什么我还要上传照片呢?是吃饱太得空没事做吗? 当然不是。

我是志在提升自己的拍照技巧,所以,赚钱还是其次,如果太在意,可能会失望。毕竟图库的照片,有很多是我望尘莫及的。当然,有人买那是最好的。所以,来帮我买照片吧 :)