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Friday, December 23, 2011

istyle fashion 2011 model

istyle fashion models

istyle fashion 2011 heats

iStyle Fashion 2011
这是由Malaysia Airport 在KLIA (吉隆坡国际机场)内举办的绿色时装秀,目的是想提高更多人对环保的意识。

这场比赛共分成3个主题及一个总决赛,3个主题分别为:Not just Paperkids ,Style for resinmen 及 Allure Chicas. 主要是看看他们如何把可以循环再用的物品变成美丽时尚的衣饰。

To save our mother earth, we need to go green.

See how they transforming existing used materials into fashionable items.
There are  3 heats for this challenges- Not just Paperkids, Style for resinmen and Allure Chicas + pre-judging.

每一组参赛者都会接受主持人 Megan Tan 的访问。说说他们的作品、灵感从哪里来等等。
Each team will be interviewing by host Megan Tan from 8TV ,sharing their ideas about their creations ,outfits,accessories...

这些可爱的小朋友都是他们的小模特儿-- (Not just Paperkids) 
cute little models for the heat 1- Not just Paperkids.
ADsense Solutions 就负责这一次的录影,把每一次的比赛记录下来,然后把当天所拍摄到的Footage剪接成大约10分钟的精彩片段,好让隔天所有关心 istyle 进展的人可以观赏。

这其实相当考功夫,也相当累。我们必须和时间赛跑,短时间内把重点选出来,加以特效等。由于是HD 高清档,所以上载到Youtube 时也相当费时。不过,乐在其中就够了。

ADsense Solutions was in charge of video production part. We need to record down the whole day event,and editing it into 10 minutes highlight, so that people out there do have the chance to know what has happened during the heats.

This is actuallly rather tired as we need to rush our time to choose those interesting footages and then edit it .
as it was filming with HD files, so by the time we uploaded to youtube, it actually take quite some time. anyway, we enjoyed the process. :)

Friday, December 09, 2011

istyle klia 2011

iStyle KLIA 2011 
heat 2 : Style with resinmen


這是我們最近的 project, iStyle KLIA 2011. 所有的錄影拍攝都在吉隆坡國際幾場內進行。


